Facebook test to hide likes – Private likes Count

Facebook test to hide likes – Private likes Count

American social media giant set to test user wellbeing by hiding the number of likes. Number of likes, views and reaction on any post now could be set as private. Where other users would not be able to see the count in any way.

A user which is passing any reaction or view wouldn’t see the overall count.
Only author of the post would be able to see exact count of reactions on a post. This is first being tested in Australia on trial basis and depending upon the results may be started in other regions and across social media network.

Facebook security director stated that it is being started on wellbeing and on a feedback given by mental health professionals. Which also mean that taking out quantity prospect and focusing on quality of the content.

Number of likes on a post may not to the quality. But at times it is being observed that posts having more likes might have good quality.

Facebook policy director said it is not confirmed that the changed would be implemented in other countries whatever the outcomes are. As on Instagram same change was implemented soon after first test but here it may not take same way.

 About Facebook

Facebook is a USA social media network founded by Mark Zuckerberg. As per Facebook stats it has reached to the monthly 2 billion users from across the globe. Facebook also remain in the spotlight on account of Fake accounts, Fake news, user privacy and copyright material issues.

Facebook is one of the most used social network. It is continuously making changes as per user requirements from time to time. Find the change in Facebook application display, including content, stories, reactions, and messenger as compare to previous one year. Which mean continuous improvement and experiment being made with users trending. Hide Facebook likes.